Frequently asked questions

If you can't find the answer to your question below, please feel free to reach out!

What is SPG's Open Studio Program?

SPG's Open Studio Program ensures that our open studio experience remains a safe, respectful and fun atmosphere with many opportunities to grow in the art of ceramics.


  • Need to be a  current member or student of SPG in good standing
  • Pay monthly open studio fee (pays for clay, glaze supplies, studio tools, etc.)
  • Be willing to work in a cooperative space, working safely and respectfully with others.
  • Agree to follow all of SPG policies and procedures


  • An opportunity to practice the art of ceramics in an informal environment
  • Camaraderie and learning from other artists and studio members.
  • Opportunities for further learning and apprenticeships in glaze making, kiln firing and other ceramic studio functions.
  • No limits to open studio access, except when the studio is closed or is full.
What is Volunteer Local?

Volunteer Local is our web program to manage our volunteers in all activities related to the studio.  We will ask all members and students to sign in on line for any class, event or volunteer shift that they intend to participate in.  Once in the studio, we will have you check in when you arrive and check out when you leave.  You can download the Volunteer Local App to your smart phone to easily track the shifts you have signed up for.  

Can anyone use the SPG Studio?

We accept anyone 18 and older, and you must take an 8-week class from SPG in order to take advantage of our facility. For people less than 18 years of age, please check out these other clay studios: Spokane Arts, Urban Art, and The Clay Connection.

What is the difference between Open Studio, and Annual members?

*Annual membership here at SPG is $125 per year and entitles the person to vote on member issues, join the board, and receive two bags of recycled clay.  Annual Members also receive a discount on monthly open studio fees of $35.

*Open Studio Members pay a $45 per month fee, and entitles the member to use the studio to make, trim, and glaze pieces made with SPG clay. The monthly OS fee does not have to be purchased consecutively, but must be paid on the first day you use the studio during any given month.

Can I bring my pieces to be fired at SPG?

Only items made with SPG clay by students and open studio members,  can be fired at our studio. We do not sell space in our kilns.

Do you have any job opportunities?

SPG is a  501(c)3 non-profit studio. We have no paid staff.

All monitors, teachers, maintenance, studio function teams and board members are volunteers.

Can anyone attend Workshops at SPG?

Only current students and Open Studio Participants can attend the workshops offered by SPG. An OS participant is defined by having taken an 8 week class within the last 2 years, or using the studio within the last 2 years after having taken a class. Please contact us if you are unsure if you qualify!

Can anyone sign up to be an Annual Member at SPG?

Only current students and Open Studio Participants can sign up to become an Annual Member at SPG. An OS participant is defined by having taken an 8-week class within the last 2 years, or using the studio within the last 2 years after having taken a class. Please contact us if you are unsure if you qualify!

Can I buy pottery supplies through the Spokane Potter's Guild?

We offer clay for sale to our students and Open Studio Participants, but we do not sell supplies as a retail store. Please visit our local pottery supply store - The Clay Connection for your supply needs!Â